
Create Customer Profile, Add Customer Details, Search Customers

How to add and search your customer's details in Shiprocket?
Shiprocket offers a centralized system for managing your customer information, making order creation and management a breeze. Here's how to add, searc...
Sat, 13 Jul, 2024 at 5:27 PM
What are the benefits of saving customer details in Shiprocket?
Saving customer details in Shiprocket goes beyond just convenience. Here's how it supercharges your workflow: Faster Order Creation: Pre-populated c...
Sat, 13 Jul, 2024 at 5:33 PM
What Customer Insights Can You Gain from Shiprocket's Customer Profiles?
Gain a deeper understanding of your customers with Shiprocket's Customer Profile features. These tools unlock valuable analytics, including: Customer...
Sat, 13 Jul, 2024 at 6:15 PM