Shiprocket offers a centralized system for managing your customer information, making order creation and management a breeze.

Here's how to add, search for, and leverage customer details:

Adding a New Customer:

  1. Access the "Customers" Section:  Log in to your Shiprocket account and navigate to the "Customers" section on the left-hand side menu.

  2. Click "Add Customer": Within the "Customers" section, locate the button labeled "Add Customer"

  3. Enter Customer Details:  A form will appear where you can enter all the essential customer information, including name, phone number, email address, and complete shipping address.

  4. Save the Details: Once you've filled in all the necessary details, click "Save" to add the customer to your Shiprocket database.

Note - Shiprocket automatically saves customer details for every order you ship. This eliminates the need to re-enter information for returning customers. 

Searching for Existing Customers:

  1. Go to "Customers Search":  Within the "Customers" section, you'll find an option labeled "Customers Search." This is where you can locate existing customer profiles.

  2. Search by Various Criteria:  Shiprocket's search function is flexible. You can search for a customer by name, email address, phone number, or even their pincode.

  3. Find and Access Information:  Once you enter your search criteria, Shiprocket will display matching customer profiles. Click on the relevant profile to access their complete contact and shipping information.