This tab allows you to perform the following actions:


1.  Apply Filters: Orders can be filtered by date range, order statuses, or additional filters such as couriers, pickup address, payment type, order type, channels, or order tag.

2. Scan and Download Manifest: This icon allows you to scan and download a manifest for orders that are scheduled for pickup.

3. Upload Eway Bill: Upload Eway Bill for multiple orders at once using CSV upload.

4. Download Report: This button will help you download report of all orders in the Ready to Ship tab.

5. Request Pickup: This tab is used to request pickup for a single order.

6. Download Manifest Button: From here you can download manifest for a single order.

7. Bulk Action: This button is intended for performing bulk actions on your orders and will be activated if you select more than one order.

8. More (...): This button will allow you to perform the following actions on your order: Download Label, Download Invoice, Edit Order, Reassign Courier, Add Package Images, Clone Order, and Cancel Order.