Follow the below steps to escalate your NDR reattempt request:


Step 1: Log in to your account and go to "NDR" from the left menu bar.


Step 2: Under the "Action Requested" tab, you will find an "Escalate" button against your undelivered Re-attempt requested AWB.


Step 3: Click on the Escalate button. 


Step 4: A pop up will open on your screen, where you can share your reason for escalation. 

Step 5: Click on Escalate button.

On escalating, the courier partner will receive the information to make the delivery reattempt. Escalation raised can be checked in the history by clicking on ‘View History’.

Important Points to Remember:


1. It is advisable to always raise your reattempt/fake attempt request with valid proof to increase the chances of delivery. 

2. You have 6 attempts to escalate/re-escalate an NDR reattempt request. 

3. If you experience a delay in getting a response, please use the re-escalate button to escalate your NDR request.