A Pickup ID is a unique code assigned by Shiprocket to identify a group of shipments scheduled for pickup together. It considers three factors:

  • Pickup Address: All shipments going from the same location.
  • Courier Partner: Shipments using the same courier company.
  • Scheduled Pickup Date: Shipments are planned for pickup on the same day.

How Pickup IDs Work:

  • Single Pickup ID: If you have several shipments scheduled for pickup on the same day with the same courier partner and pickup address, Shiprocket assigns a single Pickup ID for all of them. This simplifies pickup management.

  • Unique Pickup IDs: If your upcoming shipments involve different courier partners, pickup addresses, or pickup dates, Shiprocket generates a unique Pickup ID for each shipment. This ensures proper sorting and handling.

By clicking on a Pickup ID within Shiprocket, you can easily view all the shipments associated with that specific group. 

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