Integrating Magento v2 with Shiprocket
Given below are the three main synchronizations which you receive when you connect Magento v2 with your Shiprocket account.
- Automatic Order Sync – Integrating Magento with the Shiprocket panel allows you to automatically sync all the Pending/Processing Orders from the Magento panel into the system.
- Automatic Status Sync – For the Magento orders that are processed via the Shiprocket panel, the status will automatically be updated on the Magento channel.
- Catalog & inventory Sync – All the active products on the Magento panel will automatically be fetched into the system, where you can manage your inventory.
How to Integrate Magento v2 with Shiprocket?
Step A: (To be performed in Magento panel)
- Login to Magento admin panel.
- Go to system -> all users as shown below
3. Click on “ Add New User”.
4. Under the User Info tab, fill in all required info user name, first name, etc.
5. Click on “ Save User” shown at the top right corner.
6. Then click on “ User role”, for example, Superadmin to give access.
Step B: To be performed in Shiprocket panel
1. Log in to your ShipRocket account.
2. Go to Setup & Manage >> Channels from the left menu.
3. Click on the “Add New Channel” Button.

4. Click on Magento v2 as shown below-
5. Enter the Magento order status that you want to fetch in your Shiprocket panel and switch “On” the Order Sync icon . Switch on Inventory Sync, if required.
6. Fill in the Parameters as saved from the Magento Panel
Store URL: The URL of your store.
API Key & API Username: API details your Magento Panel
(Please refer to Step A - > part 4)

7. Click Save Channel & Test Connection.
8. Green icon indicates that the channel has been successfully configured.