The tracking Info section under settings consists of 5 options at present, each option is used to share the data with respective platforms basis the details entered.

Below is the detailed description of the same-

1. Facebook 

 It has two field options- 

  1. Pixel Id

  2. Access Token

Both Pixel ID and Access token are used to share events with the merchant's Meta Pixel Account. A maximum of 5 Pixel IDs can be added here.

3 events are shared with meta pixel with the required data, which helps the pixel to optimize the ads.

  1. InitiateCheckout - ( Triggered at the time of Buy Now Click)

  2. AddPaymentInfo - (Triggered at the time of Payment Initiation)

  3. Purchase - ( Triggered once the order is placed at Fastrr's end)

Note : Access token is mandatory for Conversion API Events.

2. Google Analytics

This section only consists of a single field, i.e. Measurement ID.

The merchant needs to enter his GA4 measurement ID in the field to trigger the data to Google Analytics.

At present 4 events are being sent to Google Analytics.

  1.  Begin Checkout - ( Triggered at the time of Buy Now Click)

  2.  Add Shipping Info - ( Triggered at the time of order Page screen with Address)

  3. Add Payment info - (Triggered at the time of Prepaid Payment Initiation)

  4. Purchase -  (Triggered once the order is placed at Fastrr's end)

Format of GA4 Measurement ID : G-123456789, it always starts with G-

In Google Analytics, all the above events are shared through the browser and only the Measurement ID is required.

3. Moengage

This section has four options namely -

  1. Base URL

  2. App ID

  3.  Data API ID

  4. Data API Key

The Base Url is common for every seller -, the other three fields can be easily copy-pasted from the Moengage dashboard by clicking on settings and then navigating to the API section.

* Customer Mapping on MoEngage: To ensure proper customer mapping on MoEngage, you have the option to use either the Email ID or Phone Number of the customer. Please inform us of your preferred method. This will allow us to make the necessary adjustments in the backend configuration, ensuring that event mapping is accurately reflected on the MoEngage dashboard.

All these field options are mandatory to share the event data with Moengage. 3 events are shared as per the default Moengage integration.

  1. Phone Number Added - Shared once the customer has entered his mobile number and requested OTP.

  2. Payment Initiated - Shared at the time of prepaid payment initiation only.

  3. Order Placed - Shared once an order is created, Prepaid or COD.

4. Google Ads

In Google Ads, There is an option to enter the Conversion ID and Conversion Label of the Purchase Conversion Event created in Google Ads.

Once the Conversion ID and Conversion Label are updated, A purchase event with the order details will be shared with Google ads using the Key value pair of the Conversion ID and Label.

Format of Conversion ID : AW-1234567, it always starts with AW-

Format of Conversion Label: 8r8jCM3GmsoBENL3ocwD

5. Wigzo

In this section provide your organization's unique token to configure the Wigzo integration