What is Amount off products?

Amount off products refers to a type of discount where a certain amount is deducted from the total price of the products being purchased. 

Creating Discount :

  1. Discount Type: Amount off Products

  1. Discount Method: Select either the Automatic or Coupon-Based discount option and then adhere to the specified criteria and conditions for setting it up.

  1. Set Configuration: The Amount off products discount can be applied in two ways: as a flat amount or as a percentage off the original price.

Flat amount: A specific ₹ value is deducted from the total price of the products in the order. For example, a 10 flat discount means 10 is subtracted from the total price of the selected products.

Percentage off: A certain percentage of the original price is deducted from the total price of the products in the order. For instance, a 20% discount means the customer pays only 80% of the original price for the products.

  1. Criteria and Conditions: 

Please note that the criteria and conditions settings vary based on the selected discount method (automatic or coupon-based).

  • Automatic Discount:

Product Inclusion/Exclusion: Choose which products or collections to include or exclude from the discount.

Product or Collection Search: Easily search for specific items or collections to apply the discount.

Minimum Cart Total ₹: Set the minimum order value required to qualify for the discount.

Select Customer Type: Specify whether the discount applies to all customers, specific list of customers, existing customers, or new customers.

Minimum Quantity of Products: Determine the minimum quantity of items required to qualify for the discount.

UTM Parameters: Mention the UTM parameters which are added to the end of a URL to track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This will help identify the source, medium, campaign, and other relevant information about the traffic coming to your website.

  • Coupon-Based Discount:

Product Inclusion/Exclusion: Select which products or collections are eligible for the discount.

Product or Collection Search: Easily search for specific items or collections to apply the discount.

 Minimum Cart Total ₹: Set the minimum order value required to qualify for the discount.

Max Usage of this Discount: Set the maximum number of times the discount can be used.

Usage Limit per Customer: Limit the number of times a single customer can use the coupon.

Select Customer Type: Choose whether the discount applies to all customers, specific customers, existing customers, or new customers.

Minimum Quantity of Products: Define the minimum quantity of items required to use the coupon.

UTM Parameters: Mention the UTM parameters which are added to the end of a URL to track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This will help identify the source, medium, campaign, and other relevant information about the traffic coming to your website.

  1. Functionality

Please note that the functionality settings vary based on the selected discount method (automatic or coupon-based).

  • Automatic Discount:

Combination Discount Codes: Enable or disable the use of multiple automatic discount codes. 

Capping Amount: Set a maximum discount amount that can be applied per order.

  • Coupon-Based Discount:

Visibility: Customize the title, description, and terms & conditions for the coupon you intend to share with your users. Additionally, you can view an image of the coupon for reference.

Combination Discount Codes: Enable or disable the usage of multiple discount codes. You can choose the discounts from the list to be combined with.

Discount Link: An exclusive link generated for sharing, if necessary.

Capping Amount: Set a maximum discount amount that can be applied per order.

Bulk Generate: Create multiple coupon codes with specified prefixes/suffixes.

No.of codes: Specify how many coupon codes will be generated.

Email: An email address to which coupon codes created for distribution can be sent.

  1. Set Discount Validity:

Start Date/Time: Specify when the discount becomes active.

End Date/Time: Determine when the discount expires.